Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Patriarchy And Oppression Of Women - 1122 Words

As an American citizen, we often think about patriarchy based on our monolithic concept from colonialism. Vrushali Patil and Amrita Basu talk about the failure of patriarchy recognized internationally through an intersectional lens, and its impact on domestic life for Muslim women. This discussion on international patriarchy and oppression of women lead me to read Tuesday’s, April 18th, Afghan’s journalist Zahra Nader and Mujib Mashal’s article titled, â€Å"In Afghanistan, Women Struggle After a Divorce.† Nader and Mujib are journalists in the Kabul bureau for The New York Times in Afghanistan. Nader has written about her lived experience as a woman journalist and the misogynist behavior from men in Afghanistan. As a female reporter, Nader is†¦show more content†¦The Afghanistan women blame the patriarchal system of their husbands who never acknowledged the changes they made; and they call this slow pace of shedding entrenched misogyny to clash w ith the values at home, which has led to a lot of divorces. In one interview, an Afghanistan woman claimed, â€Å"†¦men are used to their old lifestyle, so now they cannot tolerate that women can stand against them†¦ men think it is shameless and think that they do not have authority over women†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Nader and Mashal, 2017, pg. A9). Even when a woman seeks protection and advice, she is harassed by male lawyers, police officers, married senior officers who pretend to care about her well-being; but they want to come over to her house at night. This vicious cycle of male domination has led some women to escape one form of abuse from their husbands, to then experience more abusive behavior from male law enforcers, and ultimately they hurry to remarry into another possible abusive relationship. The authors describe how being a single divorced woman has generated suspicions and harassment from her own community. Some women feel obligated to inform their neighbors whe n male relatives or family members visit them to avoid any slanderous rumors. The authors assume the harassment is only for divorced young women in urban centers. They do not address widows, older women, rural areas, or traditional marriages that areShow MoreRelatedCapitalism Racism And Patriarchy963 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Capitalism, Racism, and Patriarchy A specific targeted attack is needed to dismantle systems of oppression (RACE CLASS AND GENDER) Marxism alone cannot adequately address inequalities of race and gender because it ignores the historical impacts of race and gender As such critical problems will persist Patriarchy is not just a superstructure It is an independent oppressive system which must also be dismantled before true revolution can occur Patriarchal norms will persist in the home (home isRead MoreConflict Between Cultural And Historical Norms893 Words   |  4 PagesWomen, whether in the western world or third world countries, are socialised in patriarchal societies where misogyny is often internalised. 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